Our History


Sunday -9:15 AM Worship Service | Wednesday - 9:00 AM Bible Study

Our History

The Geneseo  Methodist Church, was established in 1867 and when traveling on Highway 21 it is located 15 miles south of Waterloo, Iowa , and to the West of Highway 21 about a quarter of a mile. It is surrounded by corn and soybean fields, and yes our church right here in the middle of the corn and bean fields, has celebrated 157 years of service. What a milestone! It is not as old as the cathedrals in Europe, but it was built with the same love, devotion, and attention to detail, with which the great cathedrals were built. One can't help but wonder what would it have been like to 157 years ago to have the vision, desire, and faith to build a church? What it would it have been like to break ground watching the first shovel of dirt being dug, setting the cornerstone and how it needed to be set with such care and precision, because it was after all, the foundation upon which everything else would be built. Can you imagine the excitement of the congregation as they raised money for the church and then block by block, and beam by beam, the church was built? One can't help but wonder what their dreams and expectations were for this church. Would this church fulfill its mission of reaching out and spreading the gospel, and helping those in need? Would the ministries of the church touch people in ways that might never be known, never be seen, but would have a lasting impact, an eternal impact? Did they envision the church would be here for over 150 years?

Over the course of over 150 years the original church was remodeled for a cloak room, and eventually moved to our present location where a basement was put under it. In 1952 the church was remodeled for a Sunday school addition. In 1982 the front entry was extended with additional storage in the basement and the upper room above.

In 2005 the fellowship hall was added as well with full handicap accesibility. When the fellowship hall was built and the back wall was opened, a large I beam was installed to support the upper Sunday school rooms. Prior to installing the beam, anyone in the congregation who wanted to, could write a message on the beam and sign their name, something that only God can see now, a witness to the love, caring, commitment, and determination the laity continue to have toward our church.

Our church has experienced over 150 years of baptisms, funerals, weddings, confirmation classes, Sunday school lessons, sermons, children’s programs, music, luncheons, and soup suppers some of which had to be served on lap boards while sitting in pews passing food from one person to the next. 

These activities, the four walls of the church, these are the tangible parts of the church, the parts that are seen and known. Much of what is done in the church may not be immediately realized, is not tangible. The profoundness and far reaching effects of the ministries of this church may never be understood. The ministries of the church are never finished, and the people who serve the church do so without thought of recognition, but do so to honor God, to spread the Gospel, and to bring hope to those in need. 157 years demonstrate that the lay ministry of our church has been active and vital and important to the sharing of God’s word and meeting the needs of God’s people. As we look to the future, we look to continue to find ways to serve God, share the love of Jesus and reach out into the community.
